Event: June 2015

Sat 20/6/15
Sat 27/6/15

16. poesiefestival berlin

Looking in the Mouth – with Luther into the World of Words

Event-Picture: Looking in the Mouth – with Luther into the World of Words (c) Mike Schmidt
(c) Mike Schmidt


For his translation of the Bible, Martin Luther ‘looked into the mouths of the people’, thus making a decisive creative and emancipatory contribution to the German language. The richness of imagery of his language is still present today. Even now, five hundred years later, many of his words and phrases are part of the language used by Germans every day, even though people may not even be aware of it.
The exhibition ‘Aufs Maul geschaut’ (Looking into the Mouth) focuses on eight of Luther’s phrases. It shows the many dimensions and the actuality of his language in the here and now. The exhibition leads the visitor to the central ideas of these phrases and renders them in a way in which they can be experienced by the senses, visible and readable. As wall of bark tells the story of the word ‘book’; a mechanical orchestra dissects phrases into their individual sounds and rearranges them into different combinations; the word ‘Zeit’ (time) is made of an oversized tear-off calendar; and iPads form the history of the word ‘Hand’ after visitors have themselves ‘laid hands’ on them.

Bread time – a bread-breaking performance
Sat. 20 June & Sun. 21 June 4.30 pm, Mon. 22 June–Fri. 26 June 5 pm, Sat. 27 June 4 pm, 6 pm and 8 pm

As Martin Luther also made his linguistic mark on our ‘daily bread’, the performance ‘bread time’ (Brotzeit) will be taking place daily for all visitors to the festival and the exhibition to enjoy freshly-baked bread and specially made language art.

There will be a catalogue to accompany the exhibition.
With the kind support of the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Culture and Media.
Idea and overall control: Thomas Wohlfahrt. Curated by: Friedrich Block, Brückner-Kühner Foundation, Kassel, and Nauka Kirschner, doppelpunkt Kommunikationsdesign, Berlin. Philological services: Julia Schinköthe and Prof. Uta Seewald-Heeg, Neue Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, Köthen. Concept and implementation: Studio TheGreenEyl
Project co-ordination: Heide Schürmeier

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Academy of Arts

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Business hours
Sat. 20 June – Fri. 26 June 2 pm to 10 pm daily, Sat. 27 June 3 pm to 9 pm

Entrance fee:

Tickets online